asist. dr. Borut Černe

Telefon: 01 4771 129
E-mail naslov:
Pisarna: N-17


2021-2023 Zobniki iz trajnostnih biološko osnovanih kompozitov
2020-2021 Pogonska enota električnega kolesa
2018-2021 Napredni materiali, metodologije in tehnologije za razvoj lahkih komponent za prenos moči v pogonski tehniki


2023 Agile development of polymer power transmission systems for e-mobility : a novel methodology based on an e-bike drive case study
2023 Fatigue and wear performance of autoclave-processed and vacuum-infused carbon fibre reinforced polymer gears
2023 The influence of manufacturing technology on the fatigue and wear performance of cfrp gears
2023 The effect of center distance error on the service life of polymer gears
2023 The effect of geometrical quality on the stress-state in the plastic gear
2023 Numerical and experimental study on the correlation between wear and transmission error of carbon fiber-reinforced polymer gears cured in autoclave
2023 The effect of gear manufacturing quality on the mechanical and thermal state of a plastic gear
2023 In-situ experimental methods for measuring tooth meshing displacements and wear during polymer gear tests using a high-speed camera with microscopy optics
2022 Comprehensive areal geometric quality characterisation of injection moulded thermoplastic gears
2022 Experimental and numerical analysis of laminated carbon fibre-reinforced polymer gears with implicit model for coefficient-of-friction evaluation
2022 Potential of woven carbon fiber reinforced polymer composite gears
2022 High-speed camera based optical measurement methods for in-mesh tooth deflection analysis of thermoplastic spur gears
2021 A method for enhanced polymer spur gear inspection based on 3D optical metrology
2021 Towards agile product development - an empirical study on an e-bike drive
2021 A multicriteria function for polymer gear design optimization
2021 Agilni razvoj kompleksnih mehatronskih sistemov
2021 Lightweight high-performance gear transmissions
2021 Večkriterijski pristop pri konstruiranju polimernih zobnikov
2021 Agilni razvoj kompleksnih fizičnih izdelkov
2021 A multicriteria function for polymer gear design optimization
2021 Večkriterijski model za optimiranje polimernih zobnikov
2021 Agilni razvoj kompleksnih mehatronskih sistemov
2021 Enhanced polymer gear inspection based on 3D optical metrology
2020 Influence of temperature- and strain rate-dependent viscoplastic properties of polyoxymethylene on the thermo-mechanical response of a steel-polyoxymethylene spur gear pair
2020 Thermo-mechanical modeling of polymer spur gears with experimental validation using high-speed infrared thermography
2019 Krmiljenje dvomotornega asinhronskega sklopa za testiranje življenske [!] dobe polimernih zobnikov = Control of coupled asynchronous drives for fatigue test rig of polymer gears
2019 Flash temperature analysis method for polymer gears with consideration of deviations in meshing kinematics
2019 Conversion model for the design of steel and polymer S-gears
2019 Semi-analytical flash temperature model for thermoplastic polymer spur gears with consideration of linear thermo-mechanical material characteristics
2018 Development of competitive e-mobility products : design methodology and main challenges
2018 Development of competitive e-mobility products : design methodology and main challenges
2017 Semi-analytical method for the prediction of the flank temperatures bof polymer gears during running
2015 Numerical analysis of the production and operation loading conditions of polymer S-type gears
2015 Numerical analysis of operational performance of POM/PA6 polymer S-type spur gears and analysis of influence of the production process


2020 Napovedni model za določitev termomehanskega stanja valjastih polimernih zobnikov med obratovanjem : doktorsko delo
Predložil Fakulteti za strojništvo Univerze v Ljubljani za pridobitev znanstvenega naslova doktor znanosti
2014 Development of a rheological model for the prediction of the asymmetric behaviour of polypropylene in tension and compression loading conditions : master thesis = Izdelava reološkega modela za napoved asimetričnega odziva polipropilena na natezne in tlačne obremenitve : magistrsko delo magistrskega študijskega programa II. stopnje