assist. Matic Brank PhD.

Workplace: researcher phd
Phone: +386 1 4771 796
Office: N-16


2024 Optimizing ITER bolometer cameras in view of internal reflections and crosstalk between channels
2023 Measurements and modeling of type-I and type-II ELMs heat flux to the DIII-D divertor
2023 Assessment of the ITER divertor bolometer diagnostic performance
2022 First wall power flux management during plasma current ramp-up on ITER
2022 Energy deposition and melt deformation on the ITER first wall due to disruptions and vertical displacement events
2021 Reassessing energy deposition for the ITER 5 MA vertical displacement event with an improved DINA model
2021 Assessment of plasma power deposition on the ITER ICRH antennas
2021 Assessment of power deposition on plasma facing components inside WEST tokamak
2020 First wall energy deposition during vertical displacement events on ITER
2020 Validation of a real-time model-based approach for ITER first wall heat flux control on the TCV tokamak
2020 A framework for the assessment and control of ITER main chamber heat loads
2019 Thermal modelling of ITER first wall
2019 SMITER : a field-line tracing environment for ITER
2019 Experimental implementation of a real-time power flux estimator for the ITER first wall on the TCV tokamak
2018 Implementation of 3-D effects of the ITER plasma-facing components in a 2-D real-time model-based approach for wall heat flux control on ITER
2018 SMITER for IMAS


2021 Laboratory exercises for the course Engineering design techniques : workbook for laboratory exercises : MAG 1st year, Second Cycle Master’s Study Programme in Mechanical Engineering – Research and Development programme
2021 Laboratorijske vaje pri predmetu Konstrukcijske tehnike : delovni učbenik za laboratorijske vaje : MAG 1. letnik : magistrski študijski program druge stopnje Strojništvo - Razvojno raziskovalni program


2024 Physics and engineering studies of heat fluxes to ITER plasma-facing components : doctoral thesis
Predložil Fakulteti za strojništvo Univerze v Ljubljani za pridobitev znanstvenega naslova doktor znanosti
2018 Okolje za izračun toplotnih obremenitev na prvi steni fuzijskega reaktorja ITER : magistrsko delo magistrskega študijskega programa II. stopnje Strojništvo