assist. Pavel Tomšič PhD.

Workplace: researcher phd
Phone: +386 1 4771 124
Office: III/6


2023-2025 National Competence Centres in the framework of EuroHPC Phase 2
2020-2022 National Competence Centres in the framework of EuroHPC
2020-2023 Supercomputing knowledge partnership


2023 Lifetime assessment of the modified grounded grid in the negative ion source SPIDER
2023 Lessons learned after three years of SPIDER operation and the first MITICA integrated tests
2023 Electricity consumption prediction using artificial intelligence
2022 Optimization of SPIDER grounded grid segment design
2022 Nosilne palične konstrukcije in segmentacija
2022 Raising the awarness of HPC usage in Slovenia through National Competence Center trainings
2021 On the road to ITER NBIs : SPIDER improvement after first operation and MITICA construction progress
2020 Modernization of the PIC codes for exascale plasma simulation
2020 Using Moodle e-learning platform in Mechanical Engineering lectures
2014 Simultaneous topology and size optimization of 2D and 3D trusses using evolutionary structural optimization with regard to commonly used topologies
2012 A comparative criteria method for telecommunications towers with different topological designs


2022 Predstavitev uporabe orodij v modelirniku SolidWorks : video vsebine za predmete, kjer je povdarek na 3D modeliranju : verzija Solidwork 2021
2009 Inženirska grafika


2019 Topološka optimizacija paličnih jeklenih struktur z uporabo evolucijsko konstrukcijskih metod : doktorsko delo