assist. prof. Leon Kos PhD.

Workplace: phd assistant
Phone: +386 1 4771 436
Office: N-18


2023-2026 Plasma Exascale-Performance Simulations CoE - Pushing flagship plasma simulations codes to tackle exascale-enabled Grand Challenges via performance optimisation and codesign
2022-2024 A robust and efficient framework for constrained optimization with complex, multi-physics simulation models
2022-2023 ITER Pulse Design Simulator Workflow
2020-2022 Integrated Modelling Analysis Suite


2010 Povezovalni vozliščni element = Multiple vertex joint adapter : patentna prijava št. P-201000325


2024 One-dimensional, multi-fluid model of the plasma-wall transition. 2, Negative ions
2024 One-dimensional multi-fluid model of the plasma wall transition
2024 Non-linear MHD modelling of transients in tokamaks: a review of recent advances with the JOREK code
2024 One-dimensional, multi-fluid model of the plasma wall transition. 1, Hot electrons
2024 Eurofusion contributions to ITER nuclear operation
2023 OpenMP offloading and OpenACC programming model approach for object-oriented plasma device algorithms
2023 MHD simulations of formation, sustainment and loss of quiescent H-mode in the all-tungsten ASDEX Upgrade
2023 Hybrid programming and multiple GPUs implementation for particle-in-cell
2023 Assessment of the ITER divertor bolometer diagnostic performance
2023 Probing non-linear MHD stability of the EDA H-mode in ASDEX Upgrade
2022 First wall power flux management during plasma current ramp-up on ITER
2022 MHD simulations of small ELMs at low triangularity in ASDEX Upgrade
2022 Product life cycle management - food and beverage industry perspective
2022 Energy deposition and melt deformation on the ITER first wall due to disruptions and vertical displacement events
2022 Kinetic effects in ITER scrape-off layer
2022 On the role of preexisting MHD activity for the plasma response to massive deuterium injection
2021 Simulations of COMPASS vertical displacement events with a self-consistent model for halo currents including neutrals and sheath boundary conditions
2021 Time-dependent behavior of a Debye sheath : lengthening and establishment of the stationary state
2021 Reassessing energy deposition for the ITER 5 MA vertical displacement event with an improved DINA model
2021 Magnetohydrodynamic simulations of runaway electron beam termination in JET
2021 Testing of the new JOREK stellarator-capable model in the tokamak limit
2021 Thermal quench and current profile relaxation dynamics in massive-material-injection-triggered tokamak disruptions
2021 The JOREK non-linear extended MHD code and applications to large-scale instabilities and their control in magnetically confined fusion plasmas
2021 Kinetic-fluid coupling simulations of ITER Type I ELM
2021 Kinetic-fluid coupling time-dependent simulations of ITERDuring ELMs
2021 Enhanced preconditioner for JOREK MHD solver
2021 Collisional-radiative non-equilibrium impurity treatment for JOREK simulations
2021 Assessment of plasma power deposition on the ITER ICRH antennas
2021 Comparing spontaneous and pellet-triggered ELMs via non-linear extended MHD simulations
2021 Particle-in-cell code for GPU systems
2021 Assessment of power deposition on plasma facing components inside WEST tokamak
2021 Transition from no-ELM response to pellet ELM triggering during pedestal build-up : insights from extended MHD simulations
2020 Time-dependent boundary conditions during ELMs in ITER plasma
2020 Time-dependent kinetic factors in ITER scrape-off-layer
2020 First wall energy deposition during vertical displacement events on ITER
2020 Validation of a real-time model-based approach for ITER first wall heat flux control on the TCV tokamak
2020 Modernization of the PIC codes for exascale plasma simulation
2020 Post-processing for ITER scrape-off layer plasma simulations (SOLPS-ITER) in IMAS framework
2020 Time-dependent kinetic theory of the plasma-wall transition layer in a weakly ionized plasma
2020 A framework for the assessment and control of ITER main chamber heat loads
2019 Thermal modelling of ITER first wall
2019 Krmiljenje dvomotornega asinhronskega sklopa za testiranje življenske [!] dobe polimernih zobnikov = Control of coupled asynchronous drives for fatigue test rig of polymer gears
2019 SMITER : a field-line tracing environment for ITER
2019 A new analytic solution to the collision-free plasma equation withwarm ions
2019 Towards a universal collision-free sheath solution with warm ions
2019 ITER plasma sheath characteristics during ELMs
2019 Experimental implementation of a real-time power flux estimator for the ITER first wall on the TCV tokamak
2019 Time-dependent boundary conditions during type I ELM in ITER scrape-off-layer
2019 The initial step towards JOREK integration in IMAS
2018 3D tokamak Wall description within ITER Integrated Modelling and Analysis (IMAS) framework
2018 Kinetic simulations of ITER scrape-off layer
2018 Implementation of 3-D effects of the ITER plasma-facing components in a 2-D real-time model-based approach for wall heat flux control on ITER
2018 Theory of ion-matrix-sheath dynamics
2018 Introduction to the theory and application of a unified Bohm criterion for arbitrary-ion-temperature collision-free plasmas with finite Debye lengths
2018 SMITER for IMAS
2018 Modeling and simulations of plasma and sheath edges in warm-ion collision-free discharges
2018 On universal properties of the plasma-sheath transition and large-size sheath structures
2018 Kinetic effects during ELMs in ITER scrape-off layer
2017 PIC kinetic modelling for ELM transport in the scrape-off layer
2017 CAD model preparation in SMITER 3D field line tracing code
2017 SOLPS coupled fluid-kinetic modelling of hydrogen low power plasma in ITER Divertor
2016 CAD data storage and access in IDAM
2016 SOLPS-ITER dashboard
2016 Stability of the Tonks-Langmuir discharge pre-sheath
2016 A CAD service for fusion physics codes
2015 Unified Bohm criterion
2015 Interfacing of CAD models to a common fusion modelling grid description
2015 Visualisation of fusion related models stored in general grid description
2014 A unified analysis of plasma-sheath transition in the Tonks-Langmuir model with warm ion source
2014 Post-optimization of free-form support structures
2014 Visualization support for code development in EUROfusion Integrated modelling
2014 Comprehensive kinetic analysis of the plasma-wall transition layer in a strongly tilted magnetic field
2014 Advanced visualization tools for EFDA Integrated Tokamak Modelling framework
2014 Integrated Tokamak Modelling with externally coupled core and edge transport codes
2014 Visualization support with Kepler actors and visit UAL plugin within ITM advanced visualisation tools
2014 Visualization schema for fusion data structures
2014 Stability of the pre-sheath in the Tonks-Langmuir discharge
2014 The European Integrated Tokamak Modelling (ITM) effort : achievements and first physics results
2013 Debye-sheath properties in the Tonks-Langmuir discharge with warm neutrals
2013 Towards possible control of plasma outflow in fusion-relevant devices via employing virtual terminating surfaces
2013 Unified approach to visualizations within the european integrated tokamak modelling framework
2013 Ion-sound velocity at the plasma edge in fusion-relevant plasmas
2013 The non-marginal Bohm condition in the collisionless plasma diode
2013 Sheath formation in front of a negative electrode close to plasma potential studied by PIC simulations
2013 Ionization front in a gas-filled diode during electrical breakdown
2012 Warm plasma-boundary properties
2012 Extension of the visualization capabilities within the european integrated tokamak modelling platform
2012 Analytic properties of the sheath solution with warm ions
2012 Analytic solution to the plasma equation with warm ions
2012 Ubiquitous curtain-wall assembly-support by mobile computing and total stationfirst
2012 Global minimization of vertex height differences for freeform architectural design
2012 Global optimization of freeform support structures
2011 Application of a Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for cutting with particular stock
2011 Mesh smoothing with global optimization under constraints
2011 Simulacija in optimizacija vozliščnega izenačevanja virtualnih 3-D elementov za proste oblike strešnih konstrukcij
2011 Particle in cell simulations on the effects of electrically biased grid to the plasma parameters
2011 Segmentacija rentgenskih posnetkov obutve
2011 Thermodynamic plasma properties near the sheath edge in kinetic Tonks-Langmuir model with finite ion source temperatures
2011 Ion-sound velocity at the plasma edge in fusion-relevant plasmas
2011 Towards 3D time dependent visualization within ITM-TF infrastructure
2011 Potential profile near singularity point in kinetic Tonks-Langmuir discharges as a function of the ion sources temperature
2011 Analytic solution to the Bissell-Johnson model
2011 Computational aspects of simulations of early stages of a Townsend discharge
2011 Towards optimisation of gas discharge tubes
2011 Particle-in-cell simulation approach to gas discharge tube study
2010 Support structure optimization for freeform architectural design
2010 Support structure optimization for freeform architectural design
2010 Euforia integrated visualization
2010 Complete plasma and sheath solution for Tonks-Langmuir models with warm ion sources
2010 Closure of the hierarchy of fluid equations by means of the polytropic-coefficient function (PCF)
2010 The shape of the potential profile near the boundary in the Tonks-Langmuir model for the case of finite ion-source temperature
2009 Parametric CAD model for free-form architectural design
2009 The ionization length in plasmas with finite temperature ion sources
2009 Extension of the Bissell-Johnson plasma-sheath model for application to fusion-relevant and general plasmas
2009 Structure generation for free-form architectural design
2009 Extension of collisionless discharge models for application to fusion-relevant and general plasmas
2008 Modelling the plasma-sheath boundary for plasmas with warm-ion sources
2008 EUFORIA : grid and high performance computing at the service of fusion modelling
2007 Shape smoothing with feature preserving weighted filters
2004 Oznaka CE in odgovornost dobaviteljev
2002 Cutting optimization with variable-sized stock and inventory status data
2002 A system for footwear fitting analysis
2000 Rod cutting optimization with store utilization
1998 Modeling CSG with superquadrics
1998 Analiza posnetkov CT in MRI
1997 Physically based relaxation of unstructured meshes
1997 Transfer of geometrical modeller data to NC machine
1990 Klasifikacija izdelka v CAD


2022 Engineering design techniques : lecture notes : 1st year Second cycle master’s study programmme in Mechanical Engineering Research and Development Programme
2021 Laboratory exercises for the course Engineering design techniques : workbook for laboratory exercises : MAG 1st year, Second Cycle Master’s Study Programme in Mechanical Engineering – Research and Development programme
2021 Laboratorijske vaje pri predmetu Konstrukcijske tehnike : delovni učbenik za laboratorijske vaje : MAG 1. letnik : magistrski študijski program druge stopnje Strojništvo - Razvojno raziskovalni program
2021 Konstrukcijske tehnike : zapiski s predavanj
2009 Inženirska grafika


2009 Extension of collisionless discharge models for application to fusion-relevant and general plasmas : dissertation
1995 Distribuirani sistem za upodabljanje tridimenzionalnih objektov = [Rendering on distributed systems] : magistrsko delo


2012 PEG-PIC and PEG-TC simulation codes : a suite of plasma engineering R&D software
2008 Tremesh 1.1 : razvojno raziskovalni projekt
1995 Navidezni paralelni računalnik : programska oprema za izrabo mrežnih računalnikov
1995 Zasnova planetnih gonil : programska oprema za zsanovo planetnih gonil