Development and installation of a charging station for electric aircraft

Project duration: 01.05.2016 - 31.05.2017
Responsible person: Vanja Čok PhD.

The subject of the project application was the construction and installation of a (public) charging station for electric aircraft, as the need for a stationary charging method has become apparent in practice when charging electric aircraft. Such a charging station will enable faster, simpler and safer charging of electric aircraft, which will contribute to a more pleasant user experience and consequently lead to a more widespread use of electric aircraft.

We implemented the project in stages, which made it easier to plan work on the project. In each phase, we pursued a specific goal, and the results of the work served us as a basis for further phases. The first phase was related to the research of the problem, the second phase to conceptualization, the third phase to the production of a 3D model and technical documentation including strength and load analysis. Due to the interdisciplinary nature, activities on the construction, programming and design aspects of the bottling plant took place in each phase.

Electric-powered aircraft reduce users' dependence on fossil fuels. They offer flying without any emissions of harmful gases into the atmosphere and produce much less noise than similar aircraft with internal combustion engines. The development and establishment of a network of stationary charging stations is an important step towards increasing the popularity and spread of electric-powered aircraft. Expanding the use of electric planes instead of fossil fuel planes is also one of the steps in increasing the ecological awareness of both pilots and passengers. In addition, the positive effects of the reduction of fossil fuels both on the environment and on human health and well-being are not negligible.


Project Partners

Pipistrel d.o.o.